Soul Order Online is a fantasy massively multiplayer online RPG. It is set in a epic world where a war wages between the Glory Land and the Dark Land. You can play in either faction and engage in PvE in its numerous dungeons, or PvP in some specific areas. It has an oriental artwork combined with an anime-type look.
After entering the game you'll be required to first choose a realm, and then create a character. Once you've chosen a realm, you cannot create a character on the other realm on the same account. There are 5 classes to choose from: Warrior, Bard, Mage, Hunter and Slayer. Each one is fundamentally different, having different skills, armor and some use Energy to cast spells, others will use Mana. There are little options for customizing your character. You can only choose between some hair and face presets. That's it.
When entering the game world you'll be greeted by a welcome screen. There isn't a dedicated tutorial to explain how to play the game, so you have to figure some things out by yourself. The first few missions will explain some basic features, for example where you can buy new skills and armor. But other than that, there is no real tutorial. Players who are new to MMO games will find it difficult, however those who have played at least one game before will have no problem.
The gameplay is pretty good. It is fast-paced and the experience rate is very high. After completing the first 20 or so missions I was already level 10. Considering that the level cap is 70, you level up much faster than in other games. As you gain more levels, you'll unlock more skills, which have to be bought at your class trainer. The game has a pathfinding feature, which guides you to the quest destination. However, it doesn't work very well, and sometimes your character will turn back and walk in the wrong direction. Ultimately it will reach the destination, making it still a pretty useful feature. Another nice aspect of the game is that you get a mount pretty early compared to other games. I got my mount at level 7, which helped me go a lot faster.
The graphics are decent. There are a lot of very different items in the game, and if you upgrade them they will shine depending on how high the upgrade is. Basically the most shiny heroes are the ones with the best armor. The music is also pretty good. It really adds up to the oriental aspect and makes the game more relaxing.
I consider that Soul Order Online is a pretty good game. Some players might love this game, while others might not, but since it's free to play, they are all free to try it.